Dear friends:

As you know, In Algadir del Delta we have always opted for native cuisine, rica, varied and made with local produce. We direct our daily work and efforts to value our territory through gastronomy.

Given the current circumstances, of which we are all aware, we had to temporarily close our restaurant. Despite this, we don't want to stop fulfilling our goal; to spread Catalan cuisine, especially the drunk.


That is why, while the confinement lasts, our chef and owner; Joan Capilla, will cook through live social media and for you all. The intention is threefold; make you company, distract you and teach you typical family-friendly dishes. The day before the ingredients will be uploaded and the live will be at 12:30 h. You will also be able to see them later on the YouTube channel of Algadir.


Free Youtube Icon of Visoeale Social Media


Do not miss it. We improve culinary culture during confinement, we will wait for you!!

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