New Take Away service

Tuesday to Sunday, you have L’Algadir del Delta at home. Enjoy our great classics where you prefer: Rice, Salads, St. Charles white prawn carpaccio, Delta duck cannelloni, Duck rice, eels and snails… Discover the letter in full: . ORDERS: From Tuesday to Sunday from 13:30h a 15:00h. 📞 977 744 […]
One more year, we revalidate the “EU Ecolabel”

In 2011, our Hotel became the first in Catalonia to be certified with the # Ecological #European Ecolabel 🌿. This indicates that the hotel has met selective #environmental requirements, transparent and has sufficient information and scientific basis for consumers and users to choose those products and services that incorporate. […]
“La nit dels sentits” Sopar Maridatge

Next Friday night, October 26th, Algadir offer the dinner the cellar Mas Forester Conca de Barbera. Una oportunitat única al Delta de l’Ebre per gaudir en un espai singular, d’un Menú Gastronòmic amb la cuina típica del Delta juntament amb una gran selecció de vins del territori català. Reserves […]
Nominats als premis Re Think Hotel
Algadir del Delta has been nominated for the Re Think Hotel Awards which will be presented this January at the FITUR International Tourism Fair in Madrid. Aquesta nominació es deu al compromís en la sostenibilitat adquirit al nostre establiment en les obres de remodelació que es durant a terme aquests mesos. We hope to be able to count them soon […]